Owen Doherty
03 FEB 2016 16:41:37Hi all,
We currently use PTS in different capacities within our Aseptic suite (chemotherapy support medication sheets etc..)
I want to know is it possible to create a permanent barcode, which would allow us to keep track of prescriptions coming
in and out of the department.
This would mainly be for chemotherapy IV regimen prescriptions, (Rx gets signed off on ward, sent back down to pharmacy, sent back up with treatment, and signed back manually in the evening)
Our system is unfortunately still paper based and the volume of work is set for a substantial increase before our electronic prescribing system will be ready.
Thanks in advance!
Owen Doherty
Altnagelvin Hospital
Marc [mod]
03 FEB 2016 17:02:09Hi Owen,
I'm afraid there is currently no mechanism for reusing barcodes for different prescriptions, the barcode actually contains a unique identifier and if you took this away, the system wouldn't know which prescription you were referring to.
There's nothing stopping you from ending the scanning sequence when the prescription leaves the pharmacy. If the prescription is still single use but comes in and out of the pharmacy before it is complete, there is nothing stopping you from having the scanning sequence reflect that. However, there obviously must be an end point to the sequence, and you won't be able to use the same prescription barcode for other prescriptions down the line.