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Lee Nicholson
29 MAR 2011 14:07:41

In the downloads & updates section i've noticed there are available software downloads. Can I ask, do all users need to be off the system while this is happening and how long do updates 4.1 & 4.2 take to update please?
Marc Haywood [mod]
31 MAR 2011 11:54:38

Yes, you would have to tell users to close their browsers when the update is being done as there will be a chance of work being lost if they continue to use the system throughout the update process.

Estimating the speed of the update is nearly impossible as it almost totally depends on the abilities of the person doing the update, however a rough estimate would be between 30 minutes to an hour.

Last edited on 31/03/2011 12:05:06 by Moderator.
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