Application Settings

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The Application Settings setup page contains your system wide settings that determine how PTS functions. These settings should not be amended without a thorough understanding of what the setting does, or under guidance from TMSi staff.

List of application settings

This is the complete list of application settings.

Key Name Description
ACTRPTSDIR SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports
ACTRPTSURL URL of SQL Reports Server for Activity Reports URL of SQL Reports Server for Activity Reports.
ADCONTEXT Context for AD Login Context for handling AD Group auto-login. Valid values are DOMAIN or MACHINE.
ALLOWREG Allow User Registration Determines if Users can register themselves to access the system.
CDLICKEY Licence Key for CD Register Licence Key required for use of CD Register.
CDNEWROLE Role assigned to new CD Register Users Role Assigned to new CD Register Users when created by a User with CDCREATEUSER permission.
CDPATID CD Register Patient Lookup ID Type Use LOCAL or NATIONAL ID when looking up patient in CD Register.
CDRPTSDIR SSRS Subfolder containing PTS CD Register Reports SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports
CDRPTSURL URL of SQL Reports Server for CD Register Reports URL of SQL Reports Server for CD Register Reports.
COMPANY Name of Organisation The Name of your organisation.
DEVLICKEY Devices Licence Key Key that controls the number of devices (iOS or Android) that are licensed for use with PTS.
DISPLICKEY Dispensary Licence Key Key that controls the number of dispensaries that are licensed to your organisation.
EMAILFROM EMail From address The EMail address that will appear in the FROM field.
EMAILPASS EMAIL Password The Password used to logon to the EMail Server.
EMAILPORT EMAIL Port The Port used by the EMail Server.
EMAILSERV EMAIL Server The name of the EMail Server.
EMAILSSL EMail Requires SSL? Determines if EMail server requires a SSL connection.
EMAILUSER EMAIL Username The Username used to logon to the EMail Server.
GETADDAPI getAddress API Key Your getAddress() API Key that is used when looking up addresses from their postcode. See for more information.
HL7RCVRS HL7 Receivers Hostnames, Ports and names of HL7 receivers listening for Prescription Status change messages. The list should be in the format HOSTNAME1;PORT1;APPNAME1:HOSTNAME2;PORT2;APPNAME2
LOCALID Local ID The text that will be displayed for the local patient identifier. e.g. 'Hospital number'.
LOCALIDF Format of Local ID Format of Local ID. This allows prefix or suffix character to be added to Local IDs
LOCALIDQRY LocalID Query Query used by booking-in screen when searching for a patient using localID. PTS will look for the following field names returned by the query: NationalID, LocalID, Title, Forename, Familyname, Gender, Mobile, EMail, DOB, Address
MEDHOOK Medpoint Webhook Secret Medpoint Webhook Secret
MEDID Medpoint Client ID Medpoint API Client ID
MEDSEC Medpoint Client Secret Medpoint API Client Secret
MEDURL Medpoint URL Medpoint API URL
NATIDF Format of National ID Format of National ID. This allows prefix or suffix character to be added to National IDs
NATIDQRY NationalID Query Query used by booking-in screen when searching for a patient using nationalID. PTS will look for the following field names returned by the query: NationalID, LocalID, Title, Forename, Familyname, Gender, Mobile, EMail, DOB, Address
NATIONALID National ID The text that will be displayed for the national patient identifier. e.g. 'NHS number'.
OFFLINE Skip checking if PTS is online Setting this to True will skip checking if online to check licence etc.
PASDSNS Patient Lookup DSNs Patient Lookup DSNs
PRINTPASS Password for Printing The password of the user used for printing.
PRINTUSER Domain User for Printing The username used for printing.
PWDEXPIRY No. of days until a users password expires No. of days until password expires. Set to 0 to never expire. Not applicable if Security Mode is set to (W)indows)
PWDLENGTH Minimum length of passwords Minimum length of passwords
PWDREQDIG Numeric characters required in password? Numeric characters required in password?
PWDREQLOW Lowercase characters required in password? Lowercase characters required in password?
PWDREQNON Non alphanumeric characters required in password? Non alphanumeric characters required in password?
PWDREQUPP Uppercase characters required in password? Uppercase characters required in password?
PWDREUSE Allow reuse of previous passwords? Allow reuse of previous passwords?
REGCB Registration - Confirmation Body Body of the E-Mail that is sent when a Registration is confirmed. {0} is replaced by the name of the user, {1} is replaced by the URL to access PTS, {2} is replaced by the username of the PTS user that was added and {3} is replaced by the E-Mail address the user used when they registered.
REGCS Registration - Confirmation Subject Subject of E-Mail sent when registration is confirmed.
REGDB Registration - Denial Body The Body of the E-Mail that is sent when a registration request is denied. {0} is replaced by the name of the user and {1} is replaced by the contact details for the Dispensary.
REGDS Registration - Denial Subject The Subject of the E-Mail that is sent when a registration request is denied.
REGOUB Registration - Allocate To Other User Body Body of E-Mail sent when AD Username is allocated to an existing PTS user.{0} is replaced by the name of the user, {1} is replaced by the URL to access PTS, {2} is replaced by the AD Username, {3} is replaced by the name of the PTS user that the username was added to and {4} is replaced by the contact details for the Dispensary.
REGOUS Registration - Allocate To Other User Subject Subject of E-Mail sent when AD Username is allocated to an existing PTS user
REPORTMAX Max no. of records returned on reports The maximum number of records that will be returned by the search and reports screen.
REPORTSDIR SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Reports SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Reports
REPORTSDOM SSRS Reports Service Domain SSRS Reports Service Domain
REPORTSLST URL of SQL Reports Service URL of SQL Reports Web Service to retrieve list of reports
REPORTSPWD SSRS Reports Service Password SSRS Reports Service Password
REPORTSURL URL of SQL Reports Server URL of SQL Reports Server.
REPORTSUSR SSRS Reports Service User SSRS Reports Service User (Windows Domain User)
REPORTSVER Version of SSRS Which version of SQL Reports Server
SCANLICKEY Scanners Licence Key Key that controls the number of barcode scanners (iOS or Android) that are licensed for use with PTS.
SECMODE Security Mode The mode of security used. This can be (W)indows only, (P)TS only, (M)ixed Windows/PTS, (AD) Active Directory, (MAD) Mixed AD/PTS
SMSPASS SMS Password The Password for the SMS API.
SMSTYPE SMS Provider The provider of the SMS Service (Clickatell or Soprano).
SMSURL URL of SMS Service The URL of the API that handles SMS Messaging.
SMSUSER SMS UserName The Username for the SMS API.
STATUSURL URL of Status Check Website URL of Website that will allow patient to check status of their Prescription. The Prescription ID will be appended to this URL so it usually ends with ?PrescriptionId=
SUPPORTID TMSi Support System ID Your organisations Id on the support system at
URL URL of PTS Application URL of Main PTS application.
VERBOSELOG Verbose Logging? Determines if PTS writes verbose messages to the ELMAH Error Log.