Application Settings
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The Application Settings setup page contains your system wide settings that determine how PTS functions. These settings should not be amended without a thorough understanding of what the setting does, or under guidance from TMSi staff.
List of application settings
This is the complete list of application settings.
Key | Name | Description |
ACTRPTSDIR | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports |
ACTRPTSURL | URL of SQL Reports Server for Activity Reports | URL of SQL Reports Server for Activity Reports. |
ADCONTEXT | Context for AD Login | Context for handling AD Group auto-login. Valid values are DOMAIN or MACHINE. |
ALLOWREG | Allow User Registration | Determines if Users can register themselves to access the system. |
CDLICKEY | Licence Key for CD Register | Licence Key required for use of CD Register. |
CDNEWROLE | Role assigned to new CD Register Users | Role Assigned to new CD Register Users when created by a User with CDCREATEUSER permission. |
CDPATID | CD Register Patient Lookup ID Type | Use LOCAL or NATIONAL ID when looking up patient in CD Register. |
CDRPTSDIR | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS CD Register Reports | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Activity Reports |
CDRPTSURL | URL of SQL Reports Server for CD Register Reports | URL of SQL Reports Server for CD Register Reports. |
COMPANY | Name of Organisation | The Name of your organisation. |
DEVLICKEY | Devices Licence Key | Key that controls the number of devices (iOS or Android) that are licensed for use with PTS. |
DISPLICKEY | Dispensary Licence Key | Key that controls the number of dispensaries that are licensed to your organisation. |
EMAILFROM | EMail From address | The EMail address that will appear in the FROM field. |
EMAILPASS | EMAIL Password | The Password used to logon to the EMail Server. |
EMAILPORT | EMAIL Port | The Port used by the EMail Server. |
EMAILSERV | EMAIL Server | The name of the EMail Server. |
EMAILSSL | EMail Requires SSL? | Determines if EMail server requires a SSL connection. |
EMAILUSER | EMAIL Username | The Username used to logon to the EMail Server. |
GETADDAPI | getAddress API Key | Your getAddress() API Key that is used when looking up addresses from their postcode. See for more information. |
HL7RCVRS | HL7 Receivers | Hostnames, Ports and names of HL7 receivers listening for Prescription Status change messages. The list should be in the format HOSTNAME1;PORT1;APPNAME1:HOSTNAME2;PORT2;APPNAME2 |
LOCALID | Local ID | The text that will be displayed for the local patient identifier. e.g. 'Hospital number'. |
LOCALIDF | Format of Local ID | Format of Local ID. This allows prefix or suffix character to be added to Local IDs |
LOCALIDQRY | LocalID Query | Query used by booking-in screen when searching for a patient using localID. PTS will look for the following field names returned by the query: NationalID, LocalID, Title, Forename, Familyname, Gender, Mobile, EMail, DOB, Address |
MEDHOOK | Medpoint Webhook Secret | Medpoint Webhook Secret |
MEDID | Medpoint Client ID | Medpoint API Client ID |
MEDSEC | Medpoint Client Secret | Medpoint API Client Secret |
MEDURL | Medpoint URL | Medpoint API URL |
NATIDF | Format of National ID | Format of National ID. This allows prefix or suffix character to be added to National IDs |
NATIDQRY | NationalID Query | Query used by booking-in screen when searching for a patient using nationalID. PTS will look for the following field names returned by the query: NationalID, LocalID, Title, Forename, Familyname, Gender, Mobile, EMail, DOB, Address |
NATIONALID | National ID | The text that will be displayed for the national patient identifier. e.g. 'NHS number'. |
OFFLINE | Skip checking if PTS is online | Setting this to True will skip checking if online to check licence etc. |
PASDSNS | Patient Lookup DSNs | Patient Lookup DSNs |
PRINTPASS | Password for Printing | The password of the user used for printing. |
PRINTUSER | Domain User for Printing | The username used for printing. |
PWDEXPIRY | No. of days until a users password expires | No. of days until password expires. Set to 0 to never expire. Not applicable if Security Mode is set to (W)indows) |
PWDLENGTH | Minimum length of passwords | Minimum length of passwords |
PWDREQDIG | Numeric characters required in password? | Numeric characters required in password? |
PWDREQLOW | Lowercase characters required in password? | Lowercase characters required in password? |
PWDREQNON | Non alphanumeric characters required in password? | Non alphanumeric characters required in password? |
PWDREQUPP | Uppercase characters required in password? | Uppercase characters required in password? |
PWDREUSE | Allow reuse of previous passwords? | Allow reuse of previous passwords? |
REGCB | Registration - Confirmation Body | Body of the E-Mail that is sent when a Registration is confirmed. {0} is replaced by the name of the user, {1} is replaced by the URL to access PTS, {2} is replaced by the username of the PTS user that was added and {3} is replaced by the E-Mail address the user used when they registered. |
REGCS | Registration - Confirmation Subject | Subject of E-Mail sent when registration is confirmed. |
REGDB | Registration - Denial Body | The Body of the E-Mail that is sent when a registration request is denied. {0} is replaced by the name of the user and {1} is replaced by the contact details for the Dispensary. |
REGDS | Registration - Denial Subject | The Subject of the E-Mail that is sent when a registration request is denied. |
REGOUB | Registration - Allocate To Other User Body | Body of E-Mail sent when AD Username is allocated to an existing PTS user.{0} is replaced by the name of the user, {1} is replaced by the URL to access PTS, {2} is replaced by the AD Username, {3} is replaced by the name of the PTS user that the username was added to and {4} is replaced by the contact details for the Dispensary. |
REGOUS | Registration - Allocate To Other User Subject | Subject of E-Mail sent when AD Username is allocated to an existing PTS user |
REPORTMAX | Max no. of records returned on reports | The maximum number of records that will be returned by the search and reports screen. |
REPORTSDIR | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Reports | SSRS Subfolder containing PTS Reports |
REPORTSDOM | SSRS Reports Service Domain | SSRS Reports Service Domain |
REPORTSLST | URL of SQL Reports Service | URL of SQL Reports Web Service to retrieve list of reports |
REPORTSPWD | SSRS Reports Service Password | SSRS Reports Service Password |
REPORTSURL | URL of SQL Reports Server | URL of SQL Reports Server. |
REPORTSUSR | SSRS Reports Service User | SSRS Reports Service User (Windows Domain User) |
REPORTSVER | Version of SSRS | Which version of SQL Reports Server |
SCANLICKEY | Scanners Licence Key | Key that controls the number of barcode scanners (iOS or Android) that are licensed for use with PTS. |
SECMODE | Security Mode | The mode of security used. This can be (W)indows only, (P)TS only, (M)ixed Windows/PTS, (AD) Active Directory, (MAD) Mixed AD/PTS |
SMSPASS | SMS Password | The Password for the SMS API. |
SMSTYPE | SMS Provider | The provider of the SMS Service (Clickatell or Soprano). |
SMSURL | URL of SMS Service | The URL of the API that handles SMS Messaging. |
SMSUSER | SMS UserName | The Username for the SMS API. |
STATUSURL | URL of Status Check Website | URL of Website that will allow patient to check status of their Prescription. The Prescription ID will be appended to this URL so it usually ends with ?PrescriptionId= |
SUPPORTID | TMSi Support System ID | Your organisations Id on the support system at |
URL | URL of PTS Application | URL of Main PTS application. |
VERBOSELOG | Verbose Logging? | Determines if PTS writes verbose messages to the ELMAH Error Log. |