Search & Reports
PTS 5 includes comprehensive and flexible search and reporting capabilities.
The 50+ reports that are included were developed with the assistance and input of our 200+ NHS and private pharmacy customers. Combined with a dynamic search/filter functionality we're confident that PTS 5 can meet your reporting requirements.
Accessing Search & Reports
Hover over the sidebar with the mouse cursor and the side bar will expand. Select Search & Reports to reveal a small list of the various Search & Report categories, namely Prescription Reports, Activity Reports and CD Register Reports. Click on the relevant option for the search/report you are trying to achieve.
The filters tab is where you define which prescriptions are returned in the Results tab and are subsequently included in the report.
Filter sets
Each user view is comprised of one or more filter sets. This is where you can define the characteristics that a prescription must meet to be displayed by the user view, or to put it another way, how you filter out any prescriptions that you do not want displayed in the user view.
Prescriptions must match all of the filter criteria within a filter set to be selected by that filter set. By adding more filters to the filter set you continually reduce the sample of prescriptions and can focus the data to the specific requirements of the user view.
Adding and removing filters
Click the Add button to add a new filter. You will then be able to choose the filter you want to add from a popup.
The available filters are as follows:
- % of delivery target
- % of target
- Activity
- Bag
- Bagged
- Cancellation recorded date
- Cancellation recorded?
- Cancellations
- Cancelled
- Cancelled by
- Collected
- Collected by
- Collected day of week
- Collected time
- Collection note recorded date
- Collection note recorded?
- Collection notes
- Completed
- Completed by
- Completed day of week
- Completed time
- Current ward
- Delivered
- Delivered by
- Delivered day of week
- Delivered time
- Delivery note recorded date
- Delivery note recorded?
- Delivery notes
- Dispensary
- Drugs
- Duration (mins) from time collected to time delivered
- Duration (mins) from time completed to time collected
- Duration (mins) from time requested to time started
- Duration (mins) from time started to time completed
- Error recorded date
- Error recorded?
- Errors
- Hospital No.
- NHS No.
- No. of Items
- No. of Items Dispensed
- Normal note recorded date
- Normal note recorded?
- Normal notes
- Notes text contains
- Orig. ward
- Patient D.O.B.
- Patient Gender
- Patient Name
- Prescription ID
- Prescription type
- Printer
- RAG status
- Requested
- Requested day of week
- Requested time
- Started
- Started by
- Started day of week
- Started time
- Status
- Suspend Duration (mins)
- Suspension recorded date
- Suspension recorded?
- Suspensions
- System note recorded date
- System note recorded?
- System notes
- Target comp. time
- Target del. time
- Ticket no.
- Ward Group
After choosing the filter from the list you will then be prompted to input the desired value/s for that filter. For example, selecting the Ward filter will have you select the appropriate wards from a list, and choosing Started will have you enter a date range ("Started" referring to the date and time a prescription was started).
To remove an existing filter, click the delete button that appears next to it.
Multiple filter sets
As discussed you can add many filters as you like to a filter set. By adding more filters to a filter set you add more criteria that a prescription must meet to be displayed and therefore refine the data further and (in all likelihood) make the sample smaller with each additional filter.
However there are occasions where you would want a user view to combine multiple sets of data. A particularly good example is an outpatients display screen; it goes without saying you probably want to include incomplete or waiting for collection prescriptions, you may also want to include prescriptions that were suspended or cancelled within a short time frame (e.g. within the last 45 minutes or so) to give patient's a chance to notice the change to their prescription, but also not remain on the screen indefinitely. In addition, as some Trusts do not manually record collection, they may prefer to display completed prescriptions for a certain amount of time before letting them disappear from the screen naturally. These ideas conflict with each other as they rely on different uses of the Status filter, yet we would like them all to appear on the same user view.
To achieve this you should make use of additional filter sets. When multiple filter sets are employed, a prescription can meet the criteria of any of the filter sets to be considered a match and be displayed in the user view.
To add a new filter set, click the button.
A new, blank filter set will be added which you can then build using the same tools. Filter sets operate independently of each other and a prescription need only match the criteria of one filter set to be returned by the user view.
For the technically minded, imagine that the individual filters are conditioned with an AND, which are parenthesised to form the filter set, and then combined with any other filter sets with an OR.