Permissions List
Revision as of 16:14, 14 March 2023 by Shieldstromme (talk | contribs)
Permission | Options | Description |
ACTIVITIES | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the Activities setup page |
ACTIVITYREPORTS | Yes, No | Determines if a user can run activity-related reports |
APPSETTINGS | Yes, No | Determines if a user can amend application settings |
BAG | Yes, No | Determines if a user is able to add/remove prescriptions from bags |
BAGS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the bags setup page |
BARCODESHEETS | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the barcodesheets setup page |
BOOKIN | Yes, No | Allows user to create prescriptions using the booking-in screen |
BOOKINTARGET | Yes, No | Determines if a user is able to amend target request/completion times on booking-in screen |
BOOKINUSER | Yes, No | Determines if a user is able to change the user that is booking-in a prescription on the booking-in screen |
CANCEL | Yes, No | Determines if a user can cancel prescriptions |
CDADMINISTERPATIENTSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Administer Patient Stock in CD Register |
CDADMINISTERWARDSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Administer Ward Stock in CD Register |
CDAMENDPATIENTSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Amend Patient Stock in CD Register |
CDAMENDWARDSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Amend Ward Stock in CD Register |
CDBALANCE | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Balance Check the CD Register |
CDCREATEUSER | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a User is able to register a User in CD Register |
CDDESTROYPATIENTSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Destroy Patient Stock in CD Register |
CDDESTROYWARDSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Destroy Ward Stock in CD Register |
CDKEYHANDOVER | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Perform a CD Key handover in CD Register |
CDREASONSFORAMENDMENT | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the CD Register reasons for amendment/removal/destruction setup page |
CDRECEIVEFROMWARD | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive from Wards in CD Register |
CDRECEIVEPATIENTSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Patient Stock in CD Register |
CDRECEIVESUPPLIERSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Supplier Stock in CD Register |
CDRECEIVEWARDSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Ward Stock in CD Register |
CDREMOVEPATIENTSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Remove Patient Stock in CD Register |
CDREMOVEWARDSTOCK | Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No | Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Remove Ward Stock in CD Register |
CDREPORTS | Yes, No | Determines if user has access to CD Register Reports |
CDSCHEDULES | CD Schedules | Determines the CD Schedules of Drugs the User can interact with |
CDSELFWITNESS | Yes, No | Determines if a User is able to witness their own Transactions in CD Register |
COLLECT | Yes, No | Determines if a user can collect prescriptions |
COSTCENTRES | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer, view or has no access to the cost centres setup page |
CREATENOTES | Yes, No | Determines if a user can add notes to prescriptions |
DELETENOTE | Cannot delete, Delete notes created by user, Delete any notes | Determines if a user can delete any or their own or no notes |
DELIVER | Yes, No | Determines if a user can receive a delivery of prescriptions |
DISPENSARIES | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the dispensaries setup page |
DISPENSARYSTAFF | Yes, No | Determines if user is based in the dispensary |
DRUGS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the drugs setup page |
EDITPRESCRIPTIONS | Yes, No | Allows user to edit prescriptions |
EDITVIEWS | Yes, No | Determines if user can change their own user views |
ENDOFDAY | Yes, No | Determines if a user is able to perform end-of-day admin process |
ERROR | Yes, No | Determines if the user can record errors |
ISGENERIC | Yes, No | Used by CD Register If set to 'True' then will dissallow Instagation & Witness & Booking-In (overriding permissions) |
JOBROLES | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the roles setup page |
MISC | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the miscellaneous barcodes setup page |
MOVETODISCHARGE | Yes, No | Determines if user can move a prescription to discharge lounge |
NOTES | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the notes setup page |
PASSWORD | Yes, No | Determines if a user is able to change their own password |
PRINTERS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the printers setup page |
PRINTLABEL | Yes, No | Determines if the user can re-print labels |
RECORDACTIVITY | Yes, No | Allows user to record activites using scanners and on-screen |
REGIMENS | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the regimens setup page |
REPORT | Yes, No | Determines if a user can run prescription-related reports |
SCREENMESSAGES | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if user can administer or view or has no access to the Status Screen messages setup page |
SETRESPONSIBLE | Cannot set, Only themselves (if registration number has been entered), Any user who has a registration number | Determines if the user can set themselves or anyone or noone as the responsible pharmacist |
SHOWACTIVITYRADAR | Yes, No | Show activity radar chart on homepage |
SHOWAVGWAITLASTHOUR | Yes, No | Show average waiting time in last hour by prescription type on homepage |
SHOWAVGWAITTODAY | Yes, No | Show average waiting trend line chart on homepage |
SHOWCOMPLETEDCOUNT | Yes, No | Show count of completed prescriptions on homepage |
SHOWRESPONSIBLE | Yes, No | Show responsible pharmacist info on homepage |
SUPPORTCONTACT | Yes, No | Determines if TMSi Contact information & Contract details are displayed to the user |
SUSPEND | Yes, No | Determines if user can suspend prescriptions |
TYPES | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the prescription types setup page |
USERS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the users setup page |
WARDGROUPS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the ward groups setup page |
WARDS | Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the wards setup page |
WARDSTOCKLIST | Administer, View, No Access | Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the Ward Stock list page |