Prescription Types

From TMS Support Wiki
Revision as of 13:04, 10 March 2022 by Shieldstromme (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Overview== Setup is found in the grey left-hand side bar. Hover over the sidebar with the cursor and the bar will expand. Select Setup to expand a drop-down list of setup pages within PTS. To choose a setup page, select its name from the list. Prescription Types are the fundamental category that a prescription falls into. <strong>TTO</strong>, <strong>Outpatient</strong>, <strong>Inpatient</strong> and <strong>CD</strong> are examples of prescription types.")
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Setup is found in the grey left-hand side bar. Hover over the sidebar with the cursor and the bar will expand. Select Setup to expand a drop-down list of setup pages within PTS. To choose a setup page, select its name from the list.

Prescription Types are the fundamental category that a prescription falls into. TTO, Outpatient, Inpatient and CD are examples of prescription types.