Permissions List

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Revision as of 16:13, 14 March 2023 by Shieldstromme (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" !PTS Version Number !Download Link (x64) !Download Link (x64) |- |ACTIVITIES |Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access |Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the Activities setup page |- |ACTIVITYREPORTS |Yes, No |Determines if a user can run activity-related reports |- |APPSETTINGS |Yes, No |Determines if a user can amend application settings |- |BAG |Yes, No |Determines if a user is able to add/remo...")
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PTS Version Number Download Link (x64) Download Link (x64)
ACTIVITIES Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the Activities setup page
ACTIVITYREPORTS Yes, No Determines if a user can run activity-related reports
APPSETTINGS Yes, No Determines if a user can amend application settings
BAG Yes, No Determines if a user is able to add/remove prescriptions from bags
BAGS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the bags setup page
BARCODESHEETS Administer, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the barcodesheets setup page
BOOKIN Yes, No Allows user to create prescriptions using the booking-in screen
BOOKINTARGET Yes, No Determines if a user is able to amend target request/completion times on booking-in screen
BOOKINUSER Yes, No Determines if a user is able to change the user that is booking-in a prescription on the booking-in screen
CANCEL Yes, No Determines if a user can cancel prescriptions
CDADMINISTERPATIENTSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Administer Patient Stock in CD Register
CDADMINISTERWARDSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Administer Ward Stock in CD Register
CDAMENDPATIENTSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Amend Patient Stock in CD Register
CDAMENDWARDSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Amend Ward Stock in CD Register
CDBALANCE Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Balance Check the CD Register
CDCREATEUSER Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a User is able to register a User in CD Register
CDDESTROYPATIENTSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Destroy Patient Stock in CD Register
CDDESTROYWARDSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Destroy Ward Stock in CD Register
CDKEYHANDOVER Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Perform a CD Key handover in CD Register
CDREASONSFORAMENDMENT Administer, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the CD Register reasons for amendment/removal/destruction setup page
CDRECEIVEFROMWARD Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive from Wards in CD Register
CDRECEIVEPATIENTSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Patient Stock in CD Register
CDRECEIVESUPPLIERSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Supplier Stock in CD Register
CDRECEIVEWARDSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Receive Ward Stock in CD Register
CDREMOVEPATIENTSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Remove Patient Stock in CD Register
CDREMOVEWARDSTOCK Instigate, Witness, Instigate & Witness, No Determines if a user is able to Instigate/Witness/Both or has no ability to Remove Ward Stock in CD Register
CDREPORTS Yes, No Determines if user has access to CD Register Reports
CDSCHEDULES CD Schedules Determines the CD Schedules of Drugs the User can interact with
CDSELFWITNESS Yes, No Determines if a User is able to witness their own Transactions in CD Register
COLLECT Yes, No Determines if a user can collect prescriptions
COSTCENTRES Administer, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer, view or has no access to the cost centres setup page
CREATENOTES Yes, No Determines if a user can add notes to prescriptions
DELETENOTE Cannot delete, Delete notes created by user, Delete any notes Determines if a user can delete any or their own or no notes
DELIVER Yes, No Determines if a user can receive a delivery of prescriptions
DISPENSARIES Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the dispensaries setup page
DISPENSARYSTAFF Yes, No Determines if user is based in the dispensary
DRUGS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the drugs setup page
EDITPRESCRIPTIONS Yes, No Allows user to edit prescriptions
EDITVIEWS Yes, No Determines if user can change their own user views
ENDOFDAY Yes, No Determines if a user is able to perform end-of-day admin process
ERROR Yes, No Determines if the user can record errors
ISGENERIC Yes, No Used by CD Register If set to 'True' then will dissallow Instagation & Witness & Booking-In (overriding permissions)
JOBROLES Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the roles setup page
MISC Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the miscellaneous barcodes setup page
MOVETODISCHARGE Yes, No Determines if user can move a prescription to discharge lounge
NOTES Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the notes setup page
PASSWORD Yes, No Determines if a user is able to change their own password
PRINTERS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the printers setup page
PRINTLABEL Yes, No Determines if the user can re-print labels
RECORDACTIVITY Yes, No Allows user to record activites using scanners and on-screen
REGIMENS Administer, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the regimens setup page
REPORT Yes, No Determines if a user can run prescription-related reports
SCREENMESSAGES Administer, View, No Access Determines if user can administer or view or has no access to the Status Screen messages setup page
SETRESPONSIBLE Cannot set, Only themselves (if registration number has been entered), Any user who has a registration number Determines if the user can set themselves or anyone or noone as the responsible pharmacist
SHOWACTIVITYRADAR Yes, No Show activity radar chart on homepage
SHOWAVGWAITLASTHOUR Yes, No Show average waiting time in last hour by prescription type on homepage
SHOWAVGWAITTODAY Yes, No Show average waiting trend line chart on homepage
SHOWCOMPLETEDCOUNT Yes, No Show count of completed prescriptions on homepage
SHOWRESPONSIBLE Yes, No Show responsible pharmacist info on homepage
SUPPORTCONTACT Yes, No Determines if TMSi Contact information & Contract details are displayed to the user
SUSPEND Yes, No Determines if user can suspend prescriptions
TYPES Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the prescription types setup page
USERS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the users setup page
WARDGROUPS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the ward groups setup page
WARDS Administer, Create barcodes, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or produce barcodes or view or has no access to the wards setup page
WARDSTOCKLIST Administer, View, No Access Determines if a user can administer or view or has no access to the Ward Stock list page